Expert Stanford MBA/Grad Admissions Consultant + Writing & Career Coach
Available April 11 at 12:00 AM

Studied at Stanford Graduate School of Business

Works at Strategic Admissions Consulting
Admissions Committee Experience
Hi! I’m a first-generation college grad, Stanford alumna (MBA, BA Economics & Communication, Phi Beta Kappa) and writing/career coach who has found my calling in helping others to pursue their educational dreams.
I provide personalized, knowledgeable, trusted support to diverse US and international students at every step of the admissions process. By working together, you’ll:
• Access deep admissions expertise gained from years of direct experience: interviewer, applications reader, Stanford minority admissions advisory representative, pro bono admissions consulting, member of professional educational consulting organizations, quoted by US News. I’ll demystify college admissions and help you to make informed choices.
• Create crafting authentic, insightful personal statements that uniquely reflect your background, values, experiences and goals and enable you to stand out. You don’t need to love writing. I’ll help you to identify not only what to communicate, but also how to communicate clearly, concisely and compellingly.
• Chart your career vision. Perhaps you’re still considering your career options. I’ll serve as a knowledgeable and supportive sounding board and mentor. • Chart your career vision. Perhaps you’re still considering your career options. I’ll provide a knowledgeable and supportive sounding board and mentor. Together, we’ll identify strategies and actions you can take to achieve your academic and career goals (admissions committees want to know this!). I’ve personally enjoyed diverse, non-traditional work opportunities spanning international business, tech and marketing, strategy and communications at startups, nonprofits and corporations in the US, Europe and Asia. I draw on my experiences and extensive network and bring a “can do,” non-judgmental, strategic approach to helping you to achieve your goals.
• Build a customized, balanced list of schools where you can thrive. The question we’ll focus on isn’t whether you’ll get into a great program (trust me, you will!), but rather, how do we identify a short list of schools where you will thrive. I tap deep roots in the Stanford community where I’m an active alumna, pro bono alumni consultant, minority/DEI initiative leader, and class secretary who’s been honored for my volunteer service by Stanford.
• Benefit from personalized, responsive support at every step of the application process. I work closely with a limited number of diverse, motivated US and international clients each year. Working together, you will be able to:
o Identify strategies and action plans for preparing your strongest candidacy
o Write essays that elevate you from being a qualified applicant to a compelling one
o Navigate the admission process with less stress and uncertainty and better outcomes