Law School Admissions: What to do when you are waitlisted

Indrani S.

Hosted By Indrani S.


27 Reviews

During this session, Indrani will go over: -How the waitlist process works at most law schools -What it means to be waitlisted -What you can do to try to move the needle -Managing the waiting game -How to make the most of your time while you are waiting for those last decisions At the end of the session, there will be about 15 minutes for Q&A

What you'll get out of this event

Suggestions for format and content to put in your Letters of Continued Interest (LOCI)

What else you can update the schools on

How often it makes sense to keep contacting them without getting annoying

Recommendations on how to decide when it is time to 'let go'

This event is great for law school applicants who have applied already and are awaiting decisions, or those that are planning to apply in the future and want to know what to expect.

This event covers:

Waitlist Strategy

Indrani S.

Hosted By Indrani S.


27 Reviews

Partner with a former Stanford Law School Admissions Officer!

Coaches professionally

80+ people coached for Law School

Open to working with clients outside the U.S.

Indrani has helped clients get into these schools:

As a former Associate Director of Admissions at Stanford Law School, I have read thousands of applications front to back, and have a deep understanding of what top law schools are looking for. It is more than just trying to 'stand out' from the crowd. You will need to craft a highly compelling story so that you convince the admissions committee that you have amazing potential as a law student, AND you will make a valuable contribution. I have many years of experience helping prospective law students gain admission to their dream schools - even those with less than optimal GPAs and LSAT scores. I am a strong believer that an applicant is more than the numbers - but the essay is the make-it or break-it factor. I will be your thought partner and supportive advisor from start to finish. I have expertise developing individualized time lines, school lists, letters of recommendation, resumes, essays (required and optional), character and fitness paragraphs, managing waitlists and even negotiating financial aid awards. I am here to answer any question that may come up throughout this time consuming and oftentimes overwhelming process, and we will have fun working together. You can do this, and I am here to help!

Law School Admissions: What to do when you are waitlisted

Tuesday, Apr 8

from 11:30 PM – 12:30 AM UTC

11 people going

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