Table of Contents
Advanced Placement (AP) classes are a way in which high school students can experience the rigor of intro-level college courses. At the end of the course, there is an AP exam and if the student passes with a high enough score, they may be able to get college credit. The program officially began in 1956 and is run by the College Board.
The AP exams cover the entire curriculum of any given class and scores range from one to five. A score of three is considered passing; however, many top colleges require a four or five for college credit.
An Overview of AP Classes
Why Do High School Students Take AP Classes?
One of the principal reasons for taking AP classes is that it helps students stand out on their college applications. As they are theoretically at the same level as college classes, taking AP courses and doing well in them shows the Admissions Committee that the student is academically prepared for the next step. In particular, getting a five on the exam shows a very advanced knowledge of the subject and superiority in comparison to other applicants.
AP classes also help students stand out because the GPA is weighted differently for them than regular classes. A traditional grade scale goes up to 4.0, but the AP weighted grade scale goes to 5.0. The different scale was established in recognition of the added difficulty of these classes. Schools did not want to penalize students who were looking for a more rigorous academic experience. Thus, students can get a B in an AP class and still have a 4.0. Usually, schools will look at both the weighted and unweighted GPAs of applicants: the unweighted as a measure of overall academic performance and the weighted as a measure of the course load difficulty.
For others, the motivation lies in the college credit received. Doing well enough on the exam to receive college credit helps students graduate earlier than they otherwise might have, saving time and money. Also, they’ll be able to spend more time in their major classes rather than general education requirements.
What AP Classes Are Offered?
At the inception of the AP program, there were only 11 courses offered; however, that number has since risen to 38. Naturally, not all schools offer all 38 as what is available depends heavily on student interest, the availability and expertise of teachers, and how big the school is, among other factors. The classes span a variety of subjects including languages, math, reading/writing, history, science, and more.
- AP Music Theory
- AP Art History
- AP 2-D Art and Design
- AP 3-D Art and Design
- AP Drawing
History and Social Sciences
- AP Comparative Government and Politics
- AP European History
- AP Human Geography
- AP Macroeconomics
- AP Microeconomics
- AP Psychology
- AP United Government and Politics
- AP United States History
- AP World History: Modern
- AP Biology
- AP Chemistry
- AP Environmental Science
- AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based
- AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
- AP Physics C: Mechanics
- AP English Language and Composition
- AP English Literature and Composition
AP World Languages and Culture
- AP Chinese Language and Culture
- AP French Language and Culture
- AP German Language and Culture
- AP Italian Language and Culture
- AP Japanese Language and Culture
- AP Spanish Language and Culture
- AP Spanish Literature and Culture
- AP Latin
Math and Computer Science
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- AP Computer Science A
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP Statistics
AP Capstone Diploma Program
- AP Research
- AP Seminar
What are the Easiest and Hardest AP Classes?
While the level of difficulty depends dramatically on the individual’s academic strengths and interests as well as the teacher, it’s possible to measure the hardest and easiest classes based on the score distributions. The classes that have the least amount of three to fives are typically going to be harder than the classes in which a lot of people pass.
Also, keep in mind that different universities accept different scores as “passing.” So, while a community college or state school might provide college credit for a three, a top university will require a four or five. Keep in mind that there are other factors affecting the data, such as how many students took that class, so use this as a guide rather than a rule. With that being said, here are some of the “easiest” and “hardest” AP classes, based on the score distributions of pass/fail from 2021.
Easiest AP Classes
1. AP Chinese Language and Culture
% Failed: 11.7%
2. AP 2-D Art & Design
% Failed: 12.9%
3. AP Drawing
% Failed: 13.8%
4. AP Seminar
% Failed: 15%
5. AP Comparative Government and Politics
% Failed: 18.2%
6. AP Research
% Failed: 18.5%
7. AP Spanish Language and Culture
% Failed: 20%
8. AP Calculus BC
% Failed: 24.8%
9. AP Japanese Language and Culture
% Failed: 25.6%
10. AP Physics C: Mechanics
% Failed: 26.5%
Hardest AP Classes
1. AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based
% Failed: 57.8%
2. AP English Literature and Composition
% Failed: 56.1%
3. AP United States History
% Failed: 52.8%
4. AP Environmental Science
% Failed: 49.7%
5. AP United Government and Politics
% Failed: 49.6%
6. AP Calculus AB
% Failed: 49%
7. AP Macroeconomics (Tied)
% Failed: 48.6%
8. AP Chemistry (Tied)
% Failed: 48.6%
9. AP World History: Modern
% Failed: 47.9%
10. AP Human Geography
% Failed: 47.5%
How To Submit AP Test Scores
Scores are submitted through College Board for score verification. Every student can send their scores to one institution for free each year that they take AP courses. The deadline for designating that institution is June 20. For individuals that need to send reports to multiple places, that can be done online for a fee or through mail/fax. To order or send scores, do the following:
1. Create or sign in to your My AP account here
2. Go to your AP profile
3. Click on “Score Send”
4. Choose the scholarship organization or college/university
AP Credits Accepted by the Top 30 Public and Private Universities
Before you enroll in an AP class, it can be beneficial to have a rough idea of what scores are accepted as college credit. This will give you an idea of how well you’ll need to do on the test. As mentioned above, there are many other reasons for taking AP classes, but college credit is a major motivation for many students.
Private Universities
Harvard University
The status of AP classes at Harvard has recently changed. In previous years, the school would give credit to students who received a five on the exam. However, as of Fall 2020, any incoming students will not be able to receive college degree credit for any AP classes taken in high school. Harvard will continue to use AP classes for placement and some of them may fulfill the university’s language requirement.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT will give credit for AP exam scores of five, but will not give partial credit for lower scores or classes that teach AP curricula. The credits are automatically recorded as they are received from the test administrators.
AP Credits Accepted and the Corresponding Course/Credit
- AP Calculus BC (Class 18.01)
*Note AP Calculus AB will not grant credit but will allow students to enroll in an accelerated Calculus course upon matriculation.
- Either AP Physics C (Class 8.01)
- Any Arts, English, History & Social Sciences, and World Languages and Cultures AP Classes (9 credits each of unrestricted elective credit)
- AP Seminar/AP Research (9 unrestricted elective credit for both)
Yale University
The scores that Yale accepts for credit depend on the department but are either a four or a five. It’s important to note that Yale mentions that even if you can’t get university credit for your AP exam scores, you probably won’t be admitted to the school if you don’t take them at all. Regardless of the scores you get, taking AP classes shows the university that you challenged yourself academically, making admission more likely.
AP Credits Accepted
Required Score of 5:
- AP English Language and Composition or AP Literature and Composition (1 credit)
- AP Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish (2 credits) and Italian (1 credit)
- AP Art History (1 credit)
- AP Calculus AB (1 credit)
- AP Calculus BC (2 credits)
- AP Music Theory (1 credit)
- Both AP Physics C classes (1 credit)
*Requires a 5 on the AP Calculus AB test or a 4-5 on AP Calculus BC test
Required Score of 4:
- AP Calculus BC (1 credit)
Princeton University
AP Credits Accepted
Required Score of 5:
- AP French
- AP German
- AP Italian
- AP Latin
- AP Spanish
*Only 2 credits awarded for foreign languages.
- AP Calculus BC
- AP Biology
- AP Chemistry (2 credits)
- AP Macroeconomics
- AP Microeconomics
*A 5 in both classes will grant 2 credits, rather than 1
- AP Statistics (won’t get credit but will replace a class)
Required Score of 4:
- AP US History or AP European History or AP World History (only 1 credit awarded)
- AP Chemistry (1 credit)
- AP Physics C I and II or AP Physics 1 and 2
Columbia University
In exchange for AP credits, Columbia grants credit and sometimes exemption from required courses, depending on the score. For more details on Columbia’s AP credit system, click here.
AP Credits Accepted and the Required Score
- AP Biology (5)
- AP Chemistry (4 or 5)
- AP Computer Science A or AB (4 or 5)
- AP Economics (4 or 5)
- AP English Language and Composition (5)
- AP English Literature and Composition (5)
- AP French Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP German Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Government and Politics: United States (5)
- AP Comparative Government and Politics (5)
- AP United States History (5)
- AP European History (5)
- AP Italian Language and Culture (4)
- AP Spanish Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Spanish Literature (4 or 5)
- AP Latin (4 or 5)
- AP Calculus AB (4 or 5)
- AP Calculus BC (4)
- AP Statistics (5)
- AP Music Theory (4 or 5)
- AP Physics 1 and 2 (4 or 5)
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (4 or 5)
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (4 or 5)
Stanford University
Stanford recognizes and provides credit for some AP courses, with a few restrictions:
1. Students that take Stanford courses below the placement courses will have their AP credits removed as it is considered a duplicate course.
2. A maximum of 10 credits/quarter units can be given for one subject area.
3. Students cannot receive credit for more than one exam in a single subject type (except for language and Physics courses)
4. No more than 45 credits from transfer courses and test scores can be applied toward the undergraduate degree.
5. Students that get a high enough score on some of the AP exams may need to take a placement test to determine the correct subsequent course.
The school’s AP credit policies are outlined in further detail on its website.
AP Credits Accepted and the Required Score
- AP Calculus AB (5)
- AP Calculus BC (4 or 5)
- AP Chemistry (4 or 5)
- AP Chinese Language and Culture (5)
- AP Computer Science (4 or 5)
- AP French Language and Culture (5)
- AP Italian Language and Culture (5)
- AP German Language and Culture (5)
- AP Japanese Language and Culture (5)
- AP Spanish Language and Culture (5)
- AP Latin (5)
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (4 or 5)
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (4 or 5)
- AP Physics 1 and 2 (4 or 5)
Duke University
While Duke does not accept any AP credits for course replacements, they can be used to determine placement in higher-level classes. They are also useful for STEM majors as many courses have prerequisites that the AP credits can help fulfill. Two AP credits can go toward the graduation requirements so some students may be able to finish earlier. The AP credit criteria are different depending on the major. Below are the required scores for the Trinity College of Arts and Sciences. More information can be found here.
AP Credits Accepted and the Required Score
- AP Art History (5)
- AP Drawing (5)
- AP 2-D Design (5)
- AP 3-D Design (5)
- AP Biology (4 or 5)
- AP Chemistry (4 or 5)
- AP Chinese Language and Culture (5)
- AP Computer Science A (4 or 5)
- AP Computer Science Principles (5)
- AP Macroeconomics (4 or 5)
- AP Microeconomics (4 or 5)
- AP Literature and Composition (4 or 5)
- AP Language and Composition (4 or 5)
- AP Environmental Science (4 or 5)
- AP French Language and Culture (5)
- AP German Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP European History (4 or 5)
- AP United States History (4 or 5)
- AP World History (4 or 5)
- AP Italian Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Japanese Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Spanish Language and Culture (5)
- AP Spanish Literature and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Latin (4 or 5)
- AP Calculus AB (5)
- AP Calculus BC (4 or 5)
- AP Music Theory (4 or 5)
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (4 or 5)
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (4 or 5)
- AP United States Government and Politics (4 or 5)
- AP Comparative Government and Politics (4 or 5)
- AP Psychology (5)
- AP Statistics (5)
Rice University
For students that receive either a four or five on their AP exams, the credit will be assigned based on the current AP Credit List for that matriculation year. The list below is for Fall 2021 to Spring 2022.
AP Credits Accepted and the Corresponding Course
- AP Art History (HART 100)
- AP Biology (BIOS 201 or 202)
- AP Calculus AB (MATH 105)
- AP Calculus BC (MATH 105 or 106)
- AP Chemistry (CHEM 111/113/112/114)
- AP Chinese Language and Culture (CHIN 222)
- AP Computer Science (COMP 105)
- AP Macroeconomics (ECON 113)
- AP Microeconomics (ECON 111)
- AP Language and Composition (ENGL 121)
- AP Literature and Composition (ENGL 122)
- AP Environmental Science (CEVE 100)
- AP French Language and Culture (FREN 222)
- AP German Language and Culture (GERM 222)
- AP US Government and Politics (POLI 110)
- AP Comparative Government and Politics (POLI 112)
- AP European History (HIST 103)
- AP United States History (HIST 105)
- AP World History (HIST 107)
- AP Italian Language and Culture (ITAL 222)
- AP Japanese Language and Culture (JAPA 222)
- AP Latin (102 for a score of 4; 201 for a score of 5)
- AP Music Theory (MUSI 117)
- AP Physics 1 (PHYS 141)
- AP Physics 2 (PHYS 142)
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (PHYS 101/103)
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (PHYS 102/104)
- AP Psychology (PSYC 101)
- AP Spanish Language and Culture (SPAN 222)
- AP Spanish Literature and Culture (SPAN 225)
- AP Statistics (STAT 280)
Brown University
Brown does not accept any AP exam scores for course credit; however, some of them can be used for placement in higher-level courses or to satisfy the requirement for a major concentration. See the stipulations and specificities on the Brown website.
AP Credits Accepted and the Required Score
- AP United States History (5)
- AP Art History (5)
- AP Biology (4 or 5)
- AP Chemistry (4 or 5)
- AP Macroeconomics (4 or 5)
- AP Microeconomics (4 or 5)
- *Note: A score of 4 or 5 in both economics classes will earn AP credit.
- AP Environmental Science (5)
- AP European History (5)
- AP French Language and Literature (4 or 5)
- AP German Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Italian Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Latin (4 or 5)
- AP Calculus AB (4 or 5)
- AP Calculus BC (3, 4, or 5)
- AP Physics 1 and 2 (5)
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (5 or 4 with other Physics C credit)
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (5)
- AP Spanish Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Spanish Literature and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP World History (5)
University of Pennsylvania
Some AP exam scores will be rewarded with class credit or they may result in eligibility for a higher-level class. Depending on the subject, the student may need to consult with their college’s chair or the undergraduate chair. Also, some scores will fulfill a requirement but won’t provide any school credit. More information can be found here.
AP Credits Accepted and the Required Score
- AP Art History (5)
- AP Chemistry (5)
*Note: for Engineering students only
- AP Computer Science (5)
- AP Macroeconomics (5)
- AP Microeconomics (5)
- AP French Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP German Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Italian Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Latin (4 or 5)
- AP Spanish Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Spanish Literature and Language (4 or 5)
- AP Calculus BC (5)
- AP Physics 1 (5)
- AP Physics 2 (5)
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (5)
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (5)
- AP Psychology (5)
- AP Statistics (5)
Dartmouth College
Dartmouth provides class credit or a class exemption for some AP scores. The number of credits and the level of classes that the student is eligible for depends on the subject and the test score. The detailed table is displayed here.
AP Credits Accepted and the Required Score
- AP Calculus AB (4 or 5)
- AP Calculus BC (4 or 5)
- AP Chemistry (5)
- AP Computer Science (4 or 5)
- AP Microeconomics (5)
- AP Environmental Science (4 or 5)
- AP French Language and Culture (5)
- AP Geography (4 or 5)
- AP German Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Italian Language and Culture (5)
- AP Latin (5)
- AP Music (combined score of 5)
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (4 or 5)
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (4 or 5)
- AP Spanish Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Spanish Literature and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Statistics (4 or 5)
Washington University–St. Louis
AP exams are used for placement into higher-level courses, the granting of course credit, and toward fulfillment of major/minor requirements. The specific scores and credits provided depend on the subject and the department. No more than 15 credits of AP exams and other pre-matriculation credits can be counted toward a degree. For more information, visit the school’s website.
AP Credits Accepted and the Required Score
- AP Art History (4 or 5)
- AP Biology (4 or 5)
- AP Chemistry (4 or 5)
- AP Computer Science (4 or 5)
- AP Microeconomics (5)
- AP Macroeconomics (5)
- AP Language and Composition or AP Literature and Composition (5)
- AP French Language and Culture or AP French Literature (3, 4, or 5)
- AP German Language and Culture (3, 4, or 5)
- AP United States History (4 or 5)
- AP European History (4 or 5)
- AP World History (4 or 5)
- AP Latin (4 or 5)
- AP Calculus AB (4 or 5)
- AP Calculus BC (4 or 5)
- *Note: A placement test may be required depending on the major and what classes the student would like to take upon matriculation.
- AP Music Theory (4 or 5)
- AP Physics 1 (5)
- AP Physics 2 (5)
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (4 or 5)
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetics (4 or 5)
- AP US Government and Politics (4 or 5)
- AP Comparative Government and Politics (4 or 5
- AP Psychology (5)
- AP Statistics (5)
- AP 2-D Design (5)
- AP 3-D Design (5)
- AP Drawing (5)
Vanderbilt University
Vanderbilt accepts AP credit for four different things: (1) Determine placement for higher-level classes, especially in math and languages; (2) satisfy the foreign language requirement; (3) count toward major and minor requirements, varies by the department; and (4) count toward the number of credits required for graduation. No more than 18 pre-matriculation credits can help fulfill graduation requirements.
AP Credits Accepted and the Required Score
- AP Art History (4 or 5)
- AP Biology (4 or 5)
- AP Chemistry (5)
- AP Chinese and Language (4 or 5)
- AP Computer Science A (5)
- AP Computer Science Principles (5)
- AP Environmental Science (4 or 5)
- AP Italian Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Japanese Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Microeconomics (4 or 5)
- AP Macroeconomics (4 or 5)
- AP Language and Composition (4 or 5)
- AP Literature and Composition (4 or 5)
- AP French Language and Culture or AP French Literature (4 or 5)
- AP German Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP United States History (4 or 5)
- AP European History (4 or 5)
- AP World History (4 or 5)
- AP Latin (4 or 5)
- AP Calculus AB (5)
- AP Calculus BC (5)
- AP Music Theory (5)
- AP Physics 1 (5)
- AP Physics 2 (5)
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (5)
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetics (5)
- AP Spanish Language or Literature (4 or 5)
- AP US Government and Politics (4 or 5)
- AP Comparative Government and Politics (4 or 5)
- AP Psychology (5)
- AP Statistics (4 or 5)
- AP 2-D Design (4 or 5)
- AP 3-D Design (4 or 5)
- AP Drawing (4 or 5)
Northwestern University
The policies on AP test scores for Northwestern are updated each year. The most recent policy can be found here. Generally, AP scores can be used toward fulfilling a degree, although the number of credits earned and course placements is unique to each undergraduate department.
AP Credits Accepted and the Required Score
- AP Art History (5)
- AP 2-D Design (5)
- AP 3-D Design (5)
- AP Drawing (5)
- AP Biology (5)
- AP Chemistry (4 or 5)
- AP Chinese and Language (4 or 5)
- AP Computer Science A (4 or 5)
- AP Computer Science Principles (4 or 5
- AP Environmental Science (5)
- AP Italian Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Japanese Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Human Geography (5)
- AP Microeconomics (5)
- AP Macroeconomics (5)
- AP Language and Composition (5)
- AP Literature and Composition (5)
- AP French Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP German Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP United States History (5)
- AP European History (5)
- AP World History (5)
- AP Latin (4 or 5)
- AP Calculus AB (4 or 5)
- AP Calculus BC (4 or 5)
- AP Music Theory (5)
- AP Physics 1 (5)
- AP Physics 2 (5)
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (5)
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetics (5)
- AP Spanish Language or Literature (4 or 5)
- AP US Government and Politics (5)
- AP Comparative Government and Politics (5)
- AP Psychology (5)
- AP Statistics (4 or 5)
University of Chicago
AP credits can go toward course credit and placement at the University of Chicago. However, all students are required to take placement tests in conjunction with AP scores to help determine the correct placement. At least 3800 of the 4200 credits required for graduation must be earned through post-matriculation courses.
AP Credits Accepted and the Required Score
- AP Art History (5)
- AP Biology (4 or 5)
- AP Chemistry (5)
- AP Chinese and Language (5)
- AP Italian Language and Culture (5)
- AP Japanese Language and Culture (5)
- AP Microeconomics and AP Macroeconomics (5)
- AP Language and Composition (5)
- AP Literature and Composition (5)
- AP French Language and Culture (5)
- AP German Language and Culture (5)
- AP United States History (5)
- AP European History (5)
- AP World History (5)
- AP Latin (5)
- AP Calculus AB (5)
- AP Calculus BC (4 or 5)
- AP Music Theory (5)
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (5)
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetics (5)
- AP Spanish Language or Literature (5)
- AP US Government and Politics and AP Comparative Government and Politics (5)
- AP Statistics (5)
University of Southern California
USC will grant elective credit for all AP scores of a 4 or 5. Some AP subjects will also satisfy a GE or foreign language requirement. Depending on the department, they can also be used to waive some prerequisites or go toward the degree requirements.
- GE-Fulfilling AP Classes
- AP Art History (Art)
- AP Biology (Life Sciences)
- AP Chemistry, Physics 1, Physics 2, Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism, or Physics C: Mechanics (Physical Sciences)
- AP Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Statistics (Quantitative Reasoning)
- AP European History, United States History, World History (Traditions and Historical Foundations)
AP Courses Accepted for Foreign Language Requirement
- AP Chinese Language and Culture
- AP French Language
- AP French Literature
- AP German Language
- AP Italian Language and Culture
- AP Japanese Language and Culture
- AP Spanish Language
- AP Spanish Literature
Public Universities
University of California Los Angeles
AP credits do not satisfy any general education requirements for UCLA but they can be counted toward graduation and will help determine course placement. The university annually examines the course descriptions for AP subjects so the policies are subject to change on a yearly basis. Check the university site for the most up-to-date information.
UCLA accepts all AP scores of 3 to 5. The subsequent class that can be taken and any requirements fulfilled will depend on the subject area and how high the score was. For example, while getting a three, four, or five on the AP Spanish exam will satisfy the foreign language requirement and grant the same number of credits, a five will lead to a higher-level placement in any further Spanish classes.
Requirement Fulfilling AP Courses
- AP Computer Science AB (Quantitative Reasoning)
- AP Language and Composition (Entry-Level Writing)
- AP Literature and Composition (Entry-Level Writing)
- *Note: A 4 or 5 on either AP English test also satisfies the English Composition Writing 1 requirement.
- AP United States History (American History and Institutions)
- AP US Government and Politics (American History and Institutions)
- AP Calculus AB (Quantitative Reasoning)
- AP Calculus BC (Quantitative Reasoning)
- AP Statistics (Quantitative Reasoning)
AP Courses Accepted for Foreign Language Requirement
- AP Chinese Language and Culture
- AP French Language and Culture
- AP French Literature
- AP Germany Language and Culture
- AP Italian Language and Culture
- AP Japanese Language and Culture
- AP Latin (a score of 4 or 5 is required for this language)
- AP Spanish Language and Culture
- AP Spanish Literature and Culture
University of California Berkeley
The credits that are able to go toward course requirements vary by college at UC Berk. For all colleges, a score of 3-5 on the AP United States History exam fulfills the entire American History and Institutions requirement. A 3-5 on the United States Government and Politics satisfied the American Institutions requirement, but not the American History one. For the full list of college-specific AP policies, visit the admissions page for the University of California.
College of Chemistry: AP Exams Accepted for Credit
- AP Art History
- AP Biology (4 or 5)
- AP Microeconomics or Macroeconomics
- AP Language and Composition or Literature and Composition (4 or 5)
- AP Comparative Government and Politics
- AP United States History, World History, and European History
- AP Human Geography
- All AP Foreign Languages
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- AP Music Theory
- AP Physics C (both tests)
- AP Psychology
College of Engineering: AP Exams Accepted for Credit
- AP Biology (4 or 5)
- AP Chemistry
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP Language and Composition or Literature and Composition (4 or 5)
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (5)
College of Letters and Science: AP Exams Accepted for Credit
- AP Computer Science
- AP Language and Composition (4 or 5)
- AP Literature and Composition (4 or 5)
- All AP Foreign Languages
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- AP Statistics
University of Michigan Ann Arbor
Similar to UC Berk, the AP scores accepted for credit at the University of Michigan depend on the student’s college. Below are the guidelines for the Colleges of Engineering and Literature, Science, and the Arts. More information can be found here.
College of Engineering: AP Exams Accepted for Credit
- AP Chemistry (4 or 5)
- AP Computer Science A (5)
- AP Computer Science Principles (4 or 5)
- AP Calculus AB (5)
- AP Calculus BC (4 or 5)
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (5)
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (5)
College of Literature, Science, & the Arts: AP Exams Accepted for Credit
- AP Biology (3-5)
- AP Chemistry (3-5)
- AP Chinese Language and Literature (placement exam required)
- AP Computer Science A (5)
- AP Computer Science Principles (4 or 5)
- AP Microeconomics (4 or 5)
- AP Macroeconomics (4 or 5)
- AP Language and Composition (4 or 5)
- AP Literature and Composition (4 or 5)
- AP Environmental Science (4 or 5)
- AP French Language (4 or 5)
- AP Human Geography (4 or 5)
- AP German Language (3-5)
- AP Art History (4 or 5)
- AP United States History, European History, and World History (4 or 5)
- AP Italian Language and Culture (4 or 5)
- AP Japanese Language Culture (placement exam required)
- AP Latin (4 or 5)
- AP Calculus AB (5)
- AP Calculus BC (4 or 5)
- AP Physics 1 and 2 (5 on both)
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (5)
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (5)
- AP US Government and Politics (3-5)
- AP Comparative Government and Politics (3-5)
- AP Psychology (4 or 5)
- AP Spanish Language or Literature (4 or 5)
- AP Statistics (4 or 5)
University of Virginia
UVA grants credit and/or course exemption depending on the subject area and score. All AP exams must be taken before the end of the student’s senior year. A full list of the specific course credits earned or exemptions can be found on the school’s website.
In general, other than a few exceptions, every AP subject receives credit for an exam score of 4 or 5. The courses for which a 3 is also accepted include AP French Language and Culture, AP French Literature, and AP Psychology. The only class that does not result in either credit or an exemption is AP Human Geography.
University of California Santa Barbara
UC Santa Barbara grants either 2, 4, or 8 units of credit toward all AP exam scores of 3 to 5. The number of credits awarded and whether the course fulfills a requirement depends on the subject and the score attained.
AP Courses Accepted and the Number of Units/Credits Awarded
- AP Art History (8)
- AP 2-D Design (8)
- AP 3-D Design (8)
- AP Drawing (8)
- AP Biology (8)
- AP Chemistry (8)
- AP Chinese and Language (8)
- AP Computer Science A (8)
- AP Computer Science Principles (8)
- AP Environmental Science (4)
- AP Italian Language and Culture (8)
- AP Japanese Language and Culture (8)
- AP Human Geography (4)
- AP Microeconomics (4)
- AP Macroeconomics (4)
- AP Language and Composition (8)
- AP Literature and Composition (8)
- AP French Language and Culture (8)
- AP German Language and Culture (8)
- AP United States History (8)
- AP European History (8)
- AP World History (8)
- AP Latin (8)
- AP Calculus AB (4)
- AP Calculus BC (8)
- AP Music Theory (8)
- AP Physics 1 (8)
- AP Physics 2 (8)
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (4)
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetics (4)
- AP Spanish Language or Literature (8)
- AP US Government and Politics (4)
- AP Comparative Government and Politics (4)
- AP Psychology (4)
- AP Statistics (4)
University of Florida
UF accepts AP exam scores for course credit and, depending on the score, they may also fulfill a general education, foreign language, or writing requirement. Though there are some exceptions, generally an AP exam score of 3 will result in 3 university credits and a score of 4 or 5 will receive 6 credits. The AP subject area determines whether a general education requirement is fulfilled. All of the details can be found on the university’s AP exam credit page.
General Education Requirement AP Courses and the Required Score
- AP Art History (3-5)
- AP Biology (3-5)
- AP Calculus AB (3-5)
- AP Calculus BC (3-5)
- AP Chemistry (4 or 5)
- AP Macroeconomics (3-5)
- AP Microeconomics (3-5)
- AP Language and Composition (3-5)
- AP Literature and Composition (3-5)
- AP European History (4 or 5)
- AP Comparative Government and Politics (3-5)
- AP United States Government and Politics (3-5)
- AP Human Geography (3-5)
- AP Italian Language and Culture (3-5)
- AP Latin (3-5)
- AP Physics 1 or 2 (3-5)
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (3-5)
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (3-5)
- AP Psychology (3-5)
- AP Spanish Literature (5)
- AP Statistics (3-5)
- AP United States History (4 or 5)
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
All the AP subjects are accepted within the North Carolina university school system, though the score required for credit or higher-level placement varies depending on the school. The minimum score required for credits and the specific credit granted are outlined below. A full list can be found here.
AP Scores Accepted and Credits Awarded
- AP Art History (3-5) 3 credits (cr.)
- AP 2-D Design (3-5) 3 cr.
- AP 3-D Design (3-5) 3 cr.
- AP Drawing (3-5) 3 cr.
- AP Biology (3-5) 4 cr.
- AP Chemistry (3-4) 4 cr.; (5) 8 cr.
- AP Chinese and Language (3-5) 4 cr.
*Note: Students who would like to continue Chinese classes will be required to take a placement exam.
- AP Computer Science A (3-4) 3 cr.; (5) 6 cr.
- AP Environmental Science (3) 3 cr.; (4-5) 4 cr.
- AP Italian Language and Culture (3) 3 cr.; (4) 6 cr.; (5) 9 cr.
- AP Japanese Language and Culture (3) 3 cr.; (4-5) 4 cr.
- AP Human Geography (3-5) 3 cr.
- AP Microeconomics (3-5) 3 cr.
- AP Macroeconomics (3-5) 3 cr.
* Note: 7 credits are granted toward passing scores for both economics classes.
- AP Language and Composition (3-5) 3 cr.
- AP Literature and Composition (3-5) 3 cr.
- AP French Language and Culture (3) 3 cr.; (4) 6 cr.; (5) 9 cr.
- AP German Language and Culture (3) 3 cr.; (4) 6 cr.; (5) 9 cr.
- AP United States History (3-5) 3 cr.
- AP European History (3-5) 3 cr.
- AP World History (3-5) 3 cr.
- AP Latin (3-4) 3 cr.; (5) 6 cr.
- AP Calculus AB (3-5) 4 cr.
- AP Calculus BC (3-5) 8 cr.
- AP Music Theory (3-4) 3 cr.; (5) 7 cr.
- AP Physics 1 (3) 3 cr.; (4-5) 4 cr.
- AP Physics 2 (3) 3 cr.; (4-5) 4 cr.
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (3) 3 cr.; (4-5) 4 cr.
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetics (3) 3 cr.; (4-5) 4 cr.
- AP Spanish Language (3) 3 cr.; (4) 6 cr.; (5) 9 cr.
- AP Spanish Literature (3) 3 cr.; (4) 6 cr.; (5) 12 cr.
- AP US Government and Politics (3-5) 3 cr.
- AP Comparative Government and Politics (3-5) 3 cr.
- AP Psychology (3-5) 3 cr.
- AP Statistics (3-5) 3 cr.
University of California San Diego
UC San Diego grants credit for most AP scores of at least a three. Each college has specific guidelines for how they will fulfill course requirements and those can be viewed here.
AP Scores Accepted and the Number of Credits Awarded
- AP Art History (8)
- AP 2-D Design (8)
- AP 3-D Design (8)
- AP Drawing (8)
- AP Biology (8)
- AP Chemistry (8)
- AP Chinese and Language (8)
- AP Computer Science A (8)
- AP Computer Science Principles (8)
- AP Environmental Science (4)
- AP Italian Language and Culture (8)
- AP Japanese Language and Culture (8)
- AP Human Geography (4)
- AP Microeconomics (4)
- AP Macroeconomics (4)
- AP Language and Composition (8)
- AP Literature and Composition (8)
- AP French Language and Culture (8)
- AP German Language and Culture (8)
- AP United States History (8)
- AP European History (8)
- AP World History (8)
- AP Latin (4)
- AP Calculus AB (4)
- AP Calculus BC (8)
- AP Music Theory (8)
- AP Physics 1 (8)
- AP Physics 2 (8)
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (4)
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetics (4)
- AP Spanish Language or Literature (8)
- AP US Government and Politics (4)
- AP Comparative Government and Politics (4)
- AP Psychology (4)
- AP Statistics (4)
University of Texas Austin
UT Austin offers course credit for AP exams. The level of course that is covered depends on the score. Details on specific courses can be found here.
AP Scores Accepted and the Course Equivalent
- AP Art History
- 4-5: ARH 302 or 303
- 3: 301
- AP Biology
- 3-4: BIO 311C
- 5: BIO 311C, 311D
- AP Chemistry
- 3: CH 301N
- 4-5: CH 301, 302, 204
- AP Chinese Language and Culture
- 3: CHI 606, 607
- 4: CHI 606, 607, 312K
- 5: CHI 606, 607, 312K, 312L
- AP Computer Science A
- 3: CS 302
- 4-5: CS 312
- AP Computer Science Principles
- 3-5: CS 302
- AP Microeconomics
- 3: ECO 301
- 4-5: ECO 304K
- AP Macroeconomics
- 3: 301
- 4-5: EO 304L
- AP Language and Composition
- 3-5: RHE 306
- AP Literature and Composition
- 3: E 314T
- 4-5: E 316P
- AP Environmental Science
- 3-5: GEO 302P
- AP French Language and Culture
- 3: FR 601C
- 4: 601C, 611C
- 5: 601C, 611C, 317C
- AP German Language and Culture
- 3: GER 506, 507 or 604, 312K
- 4-5: GER 506, 507, 312K, 312L or 604, 612
- AP European History
- 3-5: HIS 309L
- AP United States History
- 3-5: HIS 315L
- AP World History
- 3-5: HIS 301J
- AP Human Geography
- 3-5: GRG 305
- AP Italian Language and Culture
- 3: ITL 601C
- 4: ITL 601C, 611C
- 5: ITL 601C, 611C, 320
- AP Japanese Language and Culture
- 3: JPN 601D
- 4: JPN 601D, 610D
- 5: JPN 601D, 610D, 611D, 317C
- AP Latin
- 3: LAT 506
- 4: LAT 506, 507
- 5: LAT 506, 507, 511K
- AP Calculus AB
- 3-4: M 408K or M 408N or M 408R
- 5: M 408C
- AP Calculus BC
- 3-4: M 408C
- 5: M 408C; or M 408K and M 408L; or M 408N and M 408S; or M 408R and M 408L; or M 408R and M 408S
- AP Music Theory
- 3-5: MUS 306M
- AP Physics 1
- 3-5: PHY 302K, 105M
- AP Physics 2
- 3-5: PHY 302L, 105N
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
- PHY 302L, 105N; or PHY 303L, 105N; or PHY 316, 116L; or PHY 317L, 105N
- AP Physics C: Mechanics
- PHY 301, 101L; or PHY 302K, 105M; or PHY 303K, 105M; or PHY 317K, 105M
- AP Psychology
- 3-5: PSY 301
- AP Spanish Language and Culture
- 3: SPN 601D
- 4: SPN 601D, 610D
- 5: SPN 601D, 610D, 311, 314
- AP Spanish Literature
- 3: SPN 601D
- 4: SPN 601D, 610D, 311, 314
- 5: SPN 601D, 610D, 311, 314, 327C
- AP Statistics
- 3-5: EDP 308, or SDS 301, or STA 309
- AP 2-D Design
- 3-5: ART 319T
- AP 3-D Design
- 3-5: ART 319T
- AP Drawing
- 3-5: ART 319T
- AP US Government and Politics
- 3-5: GOV 310L
*Note: Eligibility for credit requires the UT Austin Test on Texas Government as well as the AP exam score.
William and Mary
At William and Mary, AP exam scores are accepted for credit and/or exemption. A score of 4 or 5 is usually sufficient although some courses have a higher or lower bar. The complete table with subsequent W&M courses or exemptions can be found here.
AP Scores Accepted and the Required Score
- AP Art History (5)
- AP Biology (5)
- AP Calculus AB (4-5)
- AP Calculus BC (3-5)
- AP Chemistry (4-5)
- AP Chinese Language and Culture (4-5)
- AP Comparative Government and Politics (4-5)
- AP Computer Science A (4-5)
- AP Computer Science Principles (4-5)
- AP Literature and Composition (4-5)
- AP Language and Composition (4-5)
- AP Environmental Science (4-5)
- AP European History (4-5)
- AP French Language and Culture (3-5)
- AP German Language and Culture (3-5)
- AP Human Geography (4-5)
- AP Japanese Language and Culture (4-5)
- AP Latin (3-5)
- AP Microeconomics (4-5)
- AP Macroeconomics (4-5)
- AP Music Theory (3-5)
- AP Physics 1 and 2 (5 on both exams)
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism (5)
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (5)
- AP Psychology (4-5)
- AP Spanish Language and Culture (3-5)
- AP Spanish Literature (3-5)
- AP Statistics (4-5)
- AP US Government and Politics (4-5)
- AP United States History (5)
- AP World History (5)
University of Wisconsin Madison
UW-Madison accepts AP exam scores for course credit and/or exemptions. Generally, a score of 4 or 5 will result in an equivalency course credit while a score of 3 will be granted a college elective credit. A full list of the specific courses with the requisite score can be found here.
AP Exam Scores Accepted For General Education Requirement
- AP Calculus AB (Quantitative Reasoning A for a score of 3; QR B for a score of 4-5)
- AP Calculus BC (Quantitative Reasoning A for a score of 3; QR B for a score of 4-5)
- AP Computer Science A (Quantitative Reasoning B)
- AP Computer Science Principles (Quantitative Reasoning A for a score of 4-5)
- AP Microeconomics (Quantitative Reasoning B for a score of 4-5)
- AP Language and Composition (Communications A for a score of 4-5)
- AP Literature and Composition (Communications A for a score of 4-5)
- AP Physics 1 (Quantitative Reasoning B for a score of 4-5)
- AP Physics C: Mechanics (Quantitative Reasoning B for a score of 4-5)
- AP Statistics (Quantitative Reasoning B for a score of 4-5)
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
UIUC awards credit for certain scores on AP exams. Generally, a score of 3 or higher will result in some credits. Higher scores may also result in a higher-level placement in subsequent classes. The specific placement classes can be seen with the corresponding AP classes on the school’s website.
AP Classes Accepted and Courses Credited
- AP 2-D Art and Design
- 3-5: ART 305
- AP 3-D Art and Design
- 3-5: ART 104
- AP Art History
- 3-5: ART 1--
- AP Biology
- 3-4: Integrative Bio 100
- 5: Integrative Bio 150 and Molecular/Cellular Bio 150
- AP Calculus AB
- 3: MATH 234
- 4-5: MATH 220
- AP Calculus BC
- 3: MATH 234 or 220 depending on the subscore
- 4-5: MATH 220 and 231
- AP Chemistry
- 3: CHEM 102
- 4-5: CHEM 102 and 104
- AP Chinese Language and Culture
- 3: Chinese 2
- 4: Chinese 203, 204
- 5: Chinese 203, 204, 305, 306
- AP Comparative Government and Politics
- 3-4: Political Science 1
- 5: Political Science 240
- AP Computer Science A
- 3: Computer Science 105
- 4-5: Computer Science 101
- AP Computer Science Principles
- 3-4: Computer Science 102
- 5: Computer Science 105
- AP Drawing
- 3-5: Art 102
- AP Language and Composition
- 3: Rhetoric 1
- 4-5: Rhetoric 105 and Composition I Requirement Filled
- AP Literature and Composition
- 3: Rhetoric 1
- 4-5: Rhetoric 105 and Composition I Requirement Filled
- AP Environmental Science
- 3: Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences 1
- 4-5: Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences 100
- AP European History
- 3-4: History 1
- 5: History 142
- AP French Language and Culture
- 3: French 103
- 4: French 103, 104, and 205
- 5: French 103, 104, 205, and 207
- AP German Language and Culture
- 3: German 103 and 104
- 4-5: German 103, 104, and 211
- AP Human Geography
- 3: Geography 1
- 4-5: Geography 104
- AP Italian Language and Culture
- 3: Italian 102
- 4: Italian 103
- 5: Italian 103 and 104
- AP Japanese Language and Culture
- 3: Japanese 2
- 4: Japanese 203 and 204
- 5: Japanese 203, 204, 305, and 306
- AP Latin
- 3: Latin 201 and 202
- 4-5: Latin 201, 202, and 1--
- AP Macroeconomics
- 3-4: Economics 1--
- 5: Economics 102
- AP Music Theory
- 3: Music 1--
- 4-5: Music 102 and 107 (depends on aural subscore)
- AP Physics 1
- 3-4: Physics 1--
- 5: Physics 101
- AP Physics 2
- 3-4: Physics 1--
- 5: Physics 102
- AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
- 3-4: Physics 2--
- 5: Physics 212
- AP Physics C: Mechanics
- 3-4: Physics 2--
- 5: Physics 211
- AP Psychology
- 3-4: Psychology 1--
- 5: Psychology 100
- AP Research
- 3-5: Liberal Arts and Sciences 1--
- AP Seminar
- 3-5: Liberal Arts and Sciences 1--
- AP Spanish Language and Culture
- 3: Spanish 141
- 4-5: Spanish 141, 200, and 204
- AP Spanish Literature and Culture
- 3: Spanish 141
- 4-5: Spanish 141, 200, and 204
- AP Statistics
- 3: Statistics 1--
- 4-5: Statistics 100
- AP United States Government and Politics
- 3: Political Science 1--
- 4-5: Political Science 101
- AP United States History
- 3-5: History 1--
- AP World History
- 3-4: History 1--
- 5: History 100
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