CASPer Test: What it Is, Format, & How to Prepare

Learn everything about the CASPer test, including its format, scoring, and prep strategies. Find out which medical schools require CASPer, how to improve your CASPer score, and what to expect on test day.

Posted March 24, 2025

Table of Contents

The CASPer test is a situational judgment test (SJT) used in the admissions process for many medical schools and osteopathic medicine programs. It is a computer-based assessment designed to evaluate soft skills such as problem-solving, self-awareness, and social intelligence. The test measures how well applicants respond to real-world scenarios that require ethical decision-making, communication, and critical thinking.

Many medical schools require CASPer, including Central Michigan University College, Vermont Larner College, Barbara Zucker School, and Foster School. The CASPer exam is part of the selection process to assess qualities that are not captured by traditional metrics like GPA and MCAT scores.

This guide explains what the CASPer test is, its test format, how to register, how the CASPer test is scored, and the best CASPer prep strategies to maximize performance.

What Is the CASPer Test?

The CASPer test (Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics) is a situational judgment test developed by McMaster University. It evaluates an applicant’s ability to handle real-world ethical dilemmas and professional challenges.

Unlike academic tests, the CASPer exam does not assess medical or scientific knowledge. Instead, it measures skills like:

  • Ethical reasoning
  • Problem-solving
  • Communication
  • Empathy
  • Self-awareness
  • Professionalism
  • Collaboration

Who Requires CASPer?

The CASPer test is required by many programs in health sciences, osteopathic medicine, and other professional fields to evaluate applicants’ interpersonal and professional skills. More schools incorporate CASPer into their admissions process each year.

CASPer is commonly required for:

  • MD programs at U.S. and Canadian medical schools
  • DO programs at osteopathic medicine schools
  • Nursing and Physician Assistant (PA) programs
  • Dental and Pharmacy schools
  • Residency and fellowship programs

U.S. MD and DO Programs That Require CASPer

Many medical schools require CASPer, including:

Medical SchoolProgram TypeCASPer Requirement
Baylor College of MedicineMDRequired
Boston University School of MedicineMDRequired
Central Michigan University College of MedicineMDRecommended
Texas Health Science Center - McGovern Medical SchoolMDRequired
Vermont Larner College of MedicineMDRequired
Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/NorthwellMDRequired
Renaissance School of Medicine, Stony Brook UniversityMDRequired
Rush Medical CollegeMDRequired
University of Texas Southwestern Medical SchoolMDRequired
University of Colorado School of MedicineMDRequired
Reno School of Medicine, University of NevadaMDRequired
William Carey University College of Osteopathic MedicineDORequired
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine (New York & Montana)DORequired
Sam Houston State University College of Osteopathic MedicineDORequired

Note: To check if a school requires CASPer, applicants should review the CASPer website and individual program requirements.

How CASPer Scores Are Used

The CASPer test scored results help admissions committees evaluate non-cognitive skills that are not measured by GPA or MCAT scores. These include:

  • Professionalism
  • Ethical reasoning
  • Problem-solving
  • Empathy and social intelligence
  • Communication skills
  • Resilience and adaptability

CASPer scores are not released to applicants. Instead, they are sent directly to medical schools and other programs, where they are used in different ways:

  1. Interview Consideration: Some schools use CASPer scores to decide who gets invited to an interview.
  2. Final Admissions Review: Other programs consider CASPer results alongside GPA, MCAT scores, and other application materials.
  3. Screening Tool: A few schools screen out lower quartile CASPer scores before moving applicants forward.

CASPer Test Format

SectionScenariosResponse FormatTime Per Question
Video Response6Video responses1 minute per question
Typed Response8Typed responses5 minutes total per scenario

1. Video Response Section

  • Features video-based scenarios and word-based scenarios
  • Applicants must provide recorded video responses to ethical dilemmas
  • Responses are graded on soft skills, problem-solving, and self-awareness
  • 6 scenarios (4 video-based scenarios, 2 word-based scenarios)
  • Each scenario has two questions
  • Test takers have 1 minute per question to record video responses

2. Typed Response Section

  • Features both word-based scenarios and video-based scenarios
  • Requires written responses in a timed environment
  • Human raters assess responses based on depth, clarity, and professionalism
  • 8 scenarios (5 video-based scenarios, 3 word-based scenarios)
  • Each scenario has three questions
  • Test takers have 5 minutes to provide typed responses

Note: The entire test lasts 90-110 minutes, including optional breaks.

How to Register for CASPer

Registering for the CASPer test is a straightforward process, but it requires careful planning to meet test dates and ensure all technical requirements are met. Follow these steps to complete your registration.

Step 1: Create an Acuity Insights Account

To begin, applicants must create an Acuity Insights account on the CASPer website. This account is necessary to:

  • Select a test date
  • Pay the required fees
  • Receive CASPer test results

Step 2: Select a Test Date

CASPer test dates vary by medical school. Applicants must choose a date that aligns with the requirements of their selected programs. Schools may have different test deadlines, and missing the correct CASPer test dates can delay or invalidate an application.

  • Check individual school deadlines on the CASPer website.
  • Some schools require CASPer scores before submitting secondary applications.
  • CASPer scores take 2-3 weeks to be sent to schools.

Step 3: Pay the CASPer Test Cost

The CASPer test cost includes a base fee and an additional fee for each program where scores are sent.

Fee TypeCost
Test Fee$85 (includes one program)
Additional School Fee$18 per program
  • Payments are non-refundable.
  • Fee waivers are available for eligible applicants through official assistance programs like AAMC Fee Assistance.

Step 4: Verify Technical Requirements

Since the CASPer exam is taken remotely, applicants must verify that their technical setup meets the necessary standards before test day.

Government-issued photo IDRequired for identity verification
Stable internet connectionMust function properly for video uploads
Computer with webcam and microphoneNecessary for the video response section
Same setup as test dayTest your device and internet before the actual test

Step 5: Confirm Registration

Once the registration process is complete, applicants will receive a confirmation email with detailed instructions on how to take the CASPer test. This includes:

  • Test time and access link
  • System requirements check
  • Guidelines for the video-based scenarios and typed responses

Note: Once registered, applicants receive confirmation via email with instructions on how to take the CASPer test. Testing conditions should be simulated in advance using a practice test to avoid any issues during the real CASPer test.

How the CASPer Test Is Scored

The CASPer test scored results are assessed by trained human raters who evaluate each response independently to minimize bias. Schools use these scores to assess applicants' problem-solving skills, ethical reasoning, and communication abilities rather than technical knowledge.

CASPer Scoring Process

  • Each CASPer scenario is rated separately by different human raters. No single rater scores multiple responses from the same applicant.
  • Spelling and grammar mistakes are ignored. Raters focus on clarity, structure, and the depth of reasoning in responses.
  • Both typed responses and video responses are assessed based on content, not fluency or language style.

Quartile-Based Scoring System

CASPer test results are reported in quartiles, ranking applicants relative to other test takers. Schools do not receive raw scores—only comparative rankings.

Quartile ScorePerformance Ranking
1st QuartileBottom 25% of applicants
2nd QuartileBelow average
3rd QuartileAbove average
4th QuartileTop 25% of applicants

How Medical Schools Use CASPer Scores

Each medical school uses CASPer results differently. Some schools weigh them heavily in admissions decisions, while others consider them as a secondary factor.

  • Screening Tool – Some schools may eliminate lower quartile scores before reviewing applications.
  • Interview Selection – High CASPer scores may improve the chance of receiving an interview.
  • Holistic Review – CASPer scores may be considered along with MCAT, GPA, and other application materials.

When Schools Receive CASPer Results

  • CASPer test results are sent directly to schools 2-3 weeks after the test date.
  • Applicants do not receive their exact score—only a quartile ranking.
  • Schools see applicants’ relative ranking among all other test takers.

Note: Since CASPer scores cannot be improved after submission, applicants should focus on CASPer prep strategies like taking a practice test, reviewing sample CASPer questions, and improving ethical decision-making skills before the actual CASPer test.

How to Prepare for the CASPer Test

The CASPer test is different from traditional academic exams because it evaluates soft skills like problem-solving, social intelligence, and self-awareness. Since there are no correct or incorrect answers, preparation focuses on structured thinking, ethical decision-making, and time management.

1. Take a CASPer Practice Test

A practice test simulates the actual CASPer test and helps applicants:

  • Familiarize themselves with the test format (video and typed responses).
  • Get used to answering situational judgment test (SJT) questions under time pressure.
  • Reduce anxiety by replicating the test environment.

Where to Find Practice Tests:

  • Acuity Insights account: The official CASPer website provides sample questions.
  • Third-party test prep platforms that offer simulated CASPer scenarios.

2. Practice Video Responses

The video response section is unique to the CASPer exam and requires applicants to record video responses within a limited time.

How to Prepare for Video-Based Scenarios:

  • Use a webcam and microphone to practice responding to ethical dilemmas.
  • Speak clearly and concisely—answers must be structured and to the point.
  • Time yourself to ensure you can complete responses within the allotted 1 minute per question.
  • Review recordings to identify areas for improvement in tone, body language, and response clarity.

3. Improve Typing Speed

The typed response section requires applicants to answer multiple word-based scenarios in 5 minutes per set. Faster typing allows for more complete and well-organized answers.

Tips to Improve Typing Performance:

  • Practice typing at 40+ words per minute to avoid running out of time.
  • Use bullet points if necessary to communicate key points concisely.
  • Work on structuring responses quickly without excessive editing.

Note: Since grammar mistakes do not impact CASPer scores, focus on clarity and logical reasoning rather than perfect writing.

4. Review Sample CASPer Questions

Understanding common CASPer scenarios helps applicants develop structured thinking and ethical reasoning.

Common CASPer Test Scenarios:

  • Ethical dilemmas in customer service positions (e.g., handling an unhappy client).
  • Group project conflicts (e.g., dealing with an uncooperative team member).
  • Decision-making in healthcare settings (e.g., prioritizing patient care under limited resources).

Where to Find Sample Questions:

  • The Acuity Insights website provides some practice scenarios.
  • Online resources and medical school prep platforms offer additional case studies.

5. Tips for Success

Preparation TaskWhy It Matters
Practice Typing ResponsesThe typed response section is time-limited. Speed matters.
Prepare for Video ResponsesThe video response section requires clear, structured answers.
Improve Soft SkillsProblem-solving, social intelligence, and self-awareness are key CASPer measures.
Read Ethical ScenariosMany CASPer scenarios test knowledge of professional ethics in health sciences.
Ensure Internet Connection functions properlyTechnical issues can disrupt test day. Always check the setup beforehand.

Read: How to Prepare for the CASPer Test: A Comprehensive Guide for Dental School Applicants

Common CASPer Scenarios

The CASPer test presents applicants with real-world situations that assess their ethical reasoning, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. Each scenario requires a structured response, either as a typed response or a video response.

Below are sample CASPer questions that reflect the types of situational judgment test (SJT) dilemmas test takers may encounter.

Scenario TypeExample
Workplace ConflictA co-worker is taking credit for your work. How do you respond?
Customer Service PositionA customer demands a refund outside the store policy. What do you do?
Group ProjectA team member is not contributing. How do you address this?

Note: Each CASPer scenario assesses different personal characteristics, such as social intelligence, self-awareness, and ethical decision-making. Schools use these results to evaluate applicants beyond academic scores. Many medical schools require CASPer, especially those that emphasize holistic admissions.

The CASPer Test Results

When Are the Results Released?

  • CASPer test results are sent to schools 2-3 weeks after the test date.
  • Applicants do not receive their exact scores—only a quartile ranking.

How Schools Use Results

  • Some medical schools weigh CASPer results heavily in admissions decisions.
  • Others use CASPer scores as a secondary assessment alongside MCAT and GPA.
  • Some programs use quartile scores to screen out lower-ranked applicants.

Applicants should research how their target schools incorporate CASPer results into their admissions process.

CASPer vs. Other Situational Judgment Tests

There are multiple situational judgment tests (SJTs) used in medical and professional school admissions. Each assesses different applicant qualities.

CASPerMeasures ethical decision-making and interpersonal skills
AAMC PREviewAlternative situational judgment test for medical school applicants
DuetValue alignment assessment that matches applicants with medical school values

Note: While some schools accept AAMC PREview or Duet, many medical schools require CASPer as the primary non-cognitive skills assessment. Applicants should confirm which CASPer test type is required for their selected programs before registering.

Final Thoughts

The CASPer test is an important part of the admissions process for many medical schools and health sciences programs. Test takers should prepare with practice tests, work on soft skills, and understand the test format to improve their CASPer score. Reviewing sample CASPer questions, practicing video responses, and ensuring a proper internet connection can help applicants perform well on test day. For those applying to schools like Central Michigan University College, Barbara Zucker School, Vermont Larner College, Foster School, Reno School, or Texas Health Science Center, taking the CASPer exam seriously can strengthen their application. Preparation, strategy, and an understanding of CASPer measures will help applicants achieve the best possible CASPer test results.

Ace Your Dental School Application With Expert Coaching

Applying to dental school? Work with a dental school admissions coach to perfect your personal statement, interview skills, and CASPer responses. Get expert guidance to stand out and secure your spot.

Related Articles

For more information and resources to help you get prepared for the CASPer test, check out the following articles:


What is the CASPer test for?

  • The CASPer test is used by medical schools, osteopathic medicine programs, and other professional schools to assess non-cognitive skills like ethical decision-making, communication, and problem-solving. It helps admissions committees evaluate how applicants respond to real-world scenarios that require self-awareness, social intelligence, and professionalism. Many medical schools require CASPer as part of their admissions process to get a more complete view of an applicant beyond GPA and MCAT scores.

Is the CASPer test hard to pass?

  • The CASPer test does not have a pass or fail grading system. Instead, CASPer responses are scored in quartiles, ranking applicants relative to other test takers. Because the test evaluates subjective qualities like problem-solving and ethical reasoning, preparation is key. Applicants who do not prepare may struggle with time management and structuring responses under pressure. The main challenges of the CASPer test include strict time limits for typed responses and video responses, the lack of correct or incorrect answers, and the situational judgment test format, which differs from traditional exams. Practicing with sample CASPer questions and taking a CASPer practice test can help improve performance.

What is a good CASPer test score?

  • CASPer scores are reported in quartiles, comparing each applicant to other test takers. The 4th quartile represents the top 25% of test takers, while the 1st quartile represents the lowest 25%. A 4th quartile score is considered strong and may improve an applicant's chances at schools that heavily weigh CASPer results. Some schools use CASPer scores primarily for interview selection, while others incorporate them into final admissions decisions. Since CASPer results are not released to applicants, they will only know their quartile ranking.

Why is it called the CASPer test?

  • The name CASPer stands for Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics. It was developed at McMaster University as a situational judgment test to measure soft skills in medical school applicants. The test evaluates how applicants approach ethical dilemmas, professional conflicts, and interpersonal challenges, which are critical skills for future healthcare professionals.

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