Best Free Resources to Prepare for the ACT and SAT

A list of the top free resources to help you succeed as your prepare to take these standardized tests and apply to college.

Posted March 6, 2025

Table of Contents

Studying for the ACT and SAT can be a difficult and time-intensive process. Luckily, there are many free resources online for taking practice tests, learning about question styles, and more. Here, we have compiled all of the top free resources for both the SAT and ACT to give you an advantage as you study and prepare to take the exams.


Practice Tests

  1. ACT Official Online Practice Test - Official ACT practice tests in all 4 subject areas
  2. ACT Free Prep - Includes a half-length practice test, ACT Pop Quiz, and ACT Question of the Day
  3. Princeton Review ACT Practice Test Online - Includes a full-length, free practice online ACT test
  4. Varsity Tutors Free ACT Diagnostic and Practice Tests - Contains hundreds of practice tests that can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses
  5. Kaplan Free SAT Test - Free, full-length practice test
  6. Peterson’s Free Practice Test for the ACT - Sample questions to test where you need to focus
  7. Number 2 Act Question of the Day - New questions published every day
  8. 4 tests Free ACT Exam - Four full, comprehensive practice tests
  9. Magoosh Math Practice Questions and Solutions - Questions on the three main areas of the ACT Math section: Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry
  10. Magoosh Free ACT Practice Test With Answers and Explanations - A free, full-length ACT sample test with a downloadable PDF version
  11. Union Test Prep Free Practice Tests for the ACT - Prep test for all sections of the ACT

Question Banks

  1. ACT Practice Test 2022 Clanelite - Free application with modules, custom tests, and more. Download it on the App Store or Google Play
  2. Erik the Red SAT and ACT Math Practice - A lot of practice problems in different formats for the math section of the ACT
  3. Test Guides Free ACT Practice Tests - Offers more than 18 free practice tests to choose from, divided into the four major units of the ACT
  4. Prepfactory - A website that offers free, unlimited access to video lectures, full-length practice tests, interactive content, gamification elements, and more
  5. Efficient Learning ACT Online Question Bank - Access this question bank by signing up for a free account
  6. McGraw-Hill's 10 ACT Practice Tests - Free PDF with ten simulated ACT practice tests

Other Resources

  1. Leland’s Free Slack Community - Meet and network with hundreds of other students who are also taking the ACT and SAT
  2. Test Prep Guide 2021-2022 - Information on ACT test dates, fee waivers, and test prep in order to succeed on the day of the test
  3. Princeton Review ACT Prep Free Trial - Sign up for a 14-day free trial for access to video lessons, drills, and test-taking tips from experts
  4. Kaplan ACT Prep Free Live Online Class - Reviews key strategies for answering questions based on the different question types
  5. Peterson’s Test Prep App - Download this app in the App Store to study on-the-go
  6. Number 2 100 Most Common ACT Word List - Most commonly used ACT words on the vocabulary section of the exam
  7. The Critical Reader SAT and ACT Reading Prep Resources - Resources to help you prepare for the reading portion of the ACT
  8. Union Test Prep Free Flashcards for the ACT - Flashcards to be used in tandem with their free practice tests
  9. SuperTutorTV YouTube Channel - A collection of videos on test tips and strategies for auditory and visual learners
  10. ACT Game Plan: How to Master Every Section and Concept - An expert guide from Leland ACT tutor, Bryce R.


Practice Tests

  1. SAT Practice on Khan Academy - Official SAT Practice from CollegeBoard, the SAT test maker
  2. Khan Academy Online and Paper SAT Practice - Comprehensive practice tests available in both online and downloadable versions
  3. Test Prep Review Practice Test - SAT practice test
  4. Test Prep Review Writing Practice Test - Practice for the writing portion of the SAT exam
  5. Test Prep Review Reading Practice Test - Practice for the reading portion of the SAT exam
  6. Test Prep Review Math Practice Test - Practice for the math portion of the SAT exam
  7. Princeton Review SAT Practice Test Online - Includes a full-length free practice SAT, after which you will receive a comprehensive report with your strengths and weaknesses
  8. Kaplan’s SAT On-Demand Practice Test - A realistic practice test for the SAT
  9. Magoosh Free SAT Practice Test with Answers and Explanations (PDF) - Contains 154 questions with an answer key
  10. Veritas Prep Free Online SAT Practice Test - Includes over 150 questions with detailed solutions to each problem.

Questions Banks

  1. College Board’s Paper SAT Practice Tests - Free, downloadable practice tests released by the writers of the test
  2. McGraw-Hill Prep Center - Five practice tests
  3. Test Prep Practice SAT Tutorials and Practice Tests - Tutorials and practice tests for individual sections of the exam
  4. Varsity Tutors Free SAT Diagnostic and Practice Tests - Contains hundreds of practice tests that can help you identify strengths and weaknesses.
  5. Erik the Red SAT and ACT Math Practice - Practice tests and problems for the math portion of the SAT

Other Resources

  1. Princeton Review SAT Prep Free Trial - Offers a 14-day free trial for their Self-Paced Plus program to prepare for the SAT
  2. Kaplan’s SAT Question A Day - Offers a question of the day
  3. Kaplan's 20-Minute Workout for the SAT - 20-minute daily workouts of necessary SAT skills
  4. Powerscore’s SAT Free Help Area - Free articles, prep materials, and tips on acing the SAT
  5. Magoosh Your Complete, Free SAT Study Guide (eBook) - A free eBook with all the information you need to know about the SAT
  6. The Critical Reader SAT and ACT Reading Prep Resources - Resources for the reading portion of the SAT exam
  7. Varsity Tutors Free SAT Prep Book - A free eBook to learn more about the SAT
  8. Magoosh SAT Flashcards - Download this app in the App Store and Play Store so you can practice your SAT vocabulary on-the-go
  9. Crossword Solver's 100-Word Vocabulary List - The 100 most important words to know for the reading and writing sections
  10. SAT Game Plan: How to Master Every Concept - An expert guide written by Bryce R., an SAT prep tutor

Final Note

We hope you found these resources useful as you prepare the take the SAT/ACT and apply to college. Here are other articles to get you started on your undergraduate journey:

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