Why I Coach—Scott Hill
Scott H., an expert Leland coach and Columbia MBA, outlines why he chooses to coach and what it means to him.

By Scott H.
Posted March 6, 2025

My grandpa got an MBA, my father got an MBA, my older sister got an MBA, and my older brother? You guessed it, he got an MBA. It seemed like studying business, then getting an MBA, was part of my family’s DNA. At least it was until I failed my first college calculus class and switched my major to English literature. I had no clue what people with English degrees did professionally, but I enjoyed reading and writing and decided I’d think about my career prospects later on.
Well later did come, and before I knew it, I was in my junior year walking around a career fair realizing that I had absolutely no idea what I wanted to do when I graduated. But as luck (or fate) would have it, I ran into a good friend that was majoring in business who then invited me to walk around and speak to several different companies. He told me about different business opportunities I could pursue (even as an English major) and ultimately he was the one who introduced me to consulting as a potential career path.
Over the course of the next few months, my friend spent countless hours helping me work on my resume, learn about case interviews, and prepare for full-time recruiting opportunities. His mentorship and coaching completely transformed my job search and turned what had been a great source of anxiety into something that I was eager and excited to tackle. His dedication not only set me up for professional success, but also inspired me to mentor others. Over the years, I have offered support for resumes and job applications to countless friends.
I had similar support when applying for my MBA, which was as rigorous (and more) than any job hunt. I wouldn’t have had the success I did — I was fortunate enough to earn a spot at, and graduate from, Columbia Business School — without the help and guidance of those who came before me. As with professional coaching and mentoring, I now offer guidance on MBA admissions to friends and colleagues, because I’ve seen firsthand how important that guidance is.
Since graduating from CBS, I've made it my goal to always “pay it forward” to anyone looking for help or direction in making any education or professional decision. I’m on Leland so I can continue paying it forward, and so I can support you as you begin your MBA journey!
Interested in working together on your MBA application? Click here for my Leland coaching profile.